Student Name: Alastair Martin
Institution: Ulster University
Supervisors: Professor Dewar Finlay and Professor Raymond Bond
I have a degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Sciences from Cambridge University. I worked as a software engineer in British Telecommunications’ Belfast Software Engineering Centre for many years. BT sponsored me to do a part time MSc in Artificial Intelligence at Ulster University (2022-2024), and I enjoyed it so much I decided to leave BT and do a PhD at UU.
I’m married with two daughters and I’m a keen cyclist (hence the picture).
For my MSc final year project I investigated using smart insoles and AI for gait analysis.
I am currently using the first year of the CDT programme to build my expertise in a variety of areas (including digital signal processing, electronic systems design, Emerging and Advanced topics in AI and research methods in Health Science) before finalising the details of my PhD.