Student Name: Alastair Martin

Institution: Ulster University

Supervisors: Professor Dewar Finlay and Professor Raymond Bond

I have a degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Sciences from Cambridge University. I worked as a software engineer in British Telecommunications’ Belfast Software Engineering Centre for many years. BT sponsored me to do a part time MSc in Artificial Intelligence at Ulster University (2022-2024), and I enjoyed it so much I decided to leave BT and do a PhD at UU.

I’m married with two daughters and I’m a keen cyclist (hence the picture).

For my MSc final year project I investigated using smart insoles and AI for gait analysis.

I am currently using the first year of the CDT programme to build my expertise in a variety of areas (including digital signal processing, electronic systems design, Emerging and Advanced topics in AI and research methods in Health Science) before finalising the details of my PhD.


Chenchen Liu


Ted Mott